Blessings and Puja
Blessing Ceremony
A blessing ceremony invokes the assembly of enlightened beings and requests blessings for a given occasion, person, or property. Blessings help create auspicious conditions leading to prosperity and other benefits. One may request blessings for one’s home, office, a birthday, a wedding, and so forth.
*Prearrangement is needed.
$150 (Onsite blessing)
$100 (Conducted in our centre)
Request for a Puja
Pujas, which are formal prayer ceremonies, serve as a means to offer reverence and seek blessings from the Buddhas of the three times. Through these sacred rituals, we aim to avert negativity, purify obstacles, and seek assistance in transforming unfavorable circumstances. Moreover, engaging in pujas allows us to accumulate immense merits.
These prayer ceremonies also hold significance in transmitting our heartfelt prayers and making offerings to enlightened beings, local deities, and other entities present in our surroundings. By doing so, we aim to appease them, purify obstacles, and create favorable conditions. This, in turn, contributes to the overall improvement of our environment.
For the Living:
Medicine Buddha
White Tara
Dharma Protector (Mahakala)
Buddha Amitabha
Green Tara
Guru Rinpoche
Sang Offering
For the Deceased:
Phowa Chanting
49-Days Puja*
Weekly Puja*
Chang Chog Puja
* includes Amitabha Puja, Vajrasattva Puja, Chenrezig Puja and Sur Offering Puja.
$ 150 (conducted onsite)
$120 (conducted in our centre. Included offering items)
Consecration of Statues, Stupas and Thangkas
In the Tibetan tradition, holy statues, stupas, and thangkas are blessed in a special consecration ceremony before they are used in religious practices. The ceremony must be performed by a qualified person who is knowledgeable and proficient in all the necessary rituals.
In the case of statues and stupas, holy articles such as mantras, precious stones, and other special objects are sealed inside the statue or stupa during the ceremony. When this is done, the deity is invoked and merged with the statues through the use of appropriate hand gestures, mantras, and visualizations.
In the case of thangkas (religious paintings of Buddhas, mandalas, and so forth), a ceremony is also performed in order to consecrate the object. The consecrated object becomes a living entity able bestow blessings and must always be respected as such. Contact our centre for details.
1 - 5 inches: $50
5 - 10 inches: $100
10 -15 inches: $150
15 - 20 inches: $200
20 - 30 inches: $300
*Other dimension to be advised.
Feel free to seek guidance from our resident teacher, Ven. Dorzin Dhondrup Rinpoche. Whether you have questions about Buddhism, desire to engage in meaningful Dharma discussions, or seek insights through divination, Rinpoche's wisdom and expertise are at your disposal.
Embrace this opportunity to deepen your understanding and receive valuable teachings from a revered spiritual master.
Free-will Offering to Rinpoche is recommended.