Drikung Kagyu Lineage
Drikung Kagyu was founded in the 12th century by Jigten Sumgon, a great scholar and yogi. The lineage is known for its practice of the Fivefold path of Mahamudra, a meditation technique that leads to direct realization of the true nature of mind. Drikung Kagyu lineage has a rich history, and its teachings and practices have been transmitted from generation to generation by a lineage of accomplished masters. Today, the Drikung Kagyu tradition continues to flourish, with numerous monasteries and centers around the world.
Introduction to the Kagyu Lineage
The Kagyu lineage is sometimes referred to as the “lineage of oral-instructions”. The “Ka” of Kagyu refers to the authoritative instructions, precepts or words (Skt. vacana) of the Buddha while “gyu” is the uninterrupted lineage of masters and students.
The Origin of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage
Phagmodrupa’s Heart Son, Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön (1143-1217) took over the throne of Phagdru at Densa Thil Monastery for three years after his teacher’s death (1177-1179). He then established his own lineage with the foundation of Drikung Thil Monastery in the area of Drikung, as Phagmodrupa had predicted.
Phagmodrupa’s Heart Son, Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön (1143-1217) took over the throne of Phagdru at Densa Thil Monastery for three years after his teacher’s death (1177-1179). He then established his own lineage with the foundation of Drikung Thil Monastery in the area of Drikung, as Phagmodrupa had predicted.
The Era of the Chetsang and Chungtsang Rinpoches

“If you receive empowerment, it's about bodhicitta. If you receive teachings, it's about bodhicitta. If you practice teachings, it's about bodhicitta. Everything comes down to bodhicitta. The essence of practice is about bodhicitta. When you sit down to do your practice, what you practice is bodhicitta.”
— H.E. Garchen Rinpoche