Children Dharma School
DTDL Children Dharma School is a Saturday play school for children aged 7 to 10.
Our Mission
To create a happy environment where children could enjoy learning wholesome values taught by the Buddha through fun interactive activities such as story-telling, singing, dancing, games, drawing, arts & crafts, and simple recitation.
Our Objectives
Plant the seeds of Buddha's teachings and apply the wisdom of Buddha in their daily lives.
Provide an opportunity to connect with Dharma early, giving them the keys to success and happiness in life. Develop the child’s inner wisdom and empower the child to make wise choices and decisions in life.
Nurture our students into kind, loving, compassionate, and happy individuals capable of embracing all that life has to offer.
Brief Curriculum for year 2023
Term 1: The Story of Shakyamuni Buddha
Term 2: What is the Triple Gem?
Term 3: Ten Wholesome Deeds
Term 4: Getting to know your monkey mind
Let us work together to lay the foundation of Buddha Dharma for the benefit of our next generation!
Venerable Dorzin Dondrup Rinpohce